its smooth animation but well group a kicked ur ass bad
its smooth animation but well group a kicked ur ass bad
humor gets 3 cause of "demon clock vs EVIL demon clock"demons are already evil thats funny and now to hit the hay
1 + 1 = 2, remember that
i like it but
group x is shitty
this is my favourate flash
u are my favourate flash artist
i finally found out who the most retarded person..
Deszebra for being stupid and saying this is dumb
you rule i thought i was gonna blam this cause the nutshell series was getting a bit old thankyou iguess
Kicks Ass!
I can't find anything wrong with it. It should be front page!
great flash
but i beg to differ with the argument dreamcast was good until sonic went to gamecube that eliminates sega. X-box has decentish games i need to get one for starcraft and starcraft only gamecube bores me so does x-box finally ps2 is final fantasy will keep sony there until GC or XB can really get some kick ass games and i think that GC does have kiddy games like mario sunshine and luigis mansion but smash bros makes up for that i currently have ps2 and GC and will have an x-box soon as far as i can see ranks are like this
x-box3rd place GC2nd place ps21st place mainly because of dynasty warriors budokai 2 and the on going final fantasy collection (dont buy ff x-2 rent it it is a short ass game and way too easy :( )
i love you mr.frodo
so everybody dances now!
my mom thinks your insane
Joined on 7/30/03