You had to many occurences of the sun....:'( my skin hurts because the computer burnt it
You had to many occurences of the sun....:'( my skin hurts because the computer burnt it
<3 <3 <3
Gimme some hawt butt luvin. Omg dis flash is teh pwnzor. Fav. lawl
Lol, that's some crazyspeek I don't understand.
Thanks anyway for the review.
Three <3 <3 <3
Lol, not bad at all.
That was pretty funny..I think the award was handed to you because the daily fifth of this day was prolly stolen and they deleted it :D cograts on two awards! lol ...and dont judge me off my most recent movie entitled FF HENTAI VOTE FIVE I just needed a good laugh :p. Congrats on the second award...:D
Thanks Tootbook! And by the way...loved the movie ^_^
I think its about time you fixed up those fights..
I'll help you out if you would like better fight scenes, plus you should change the thing on flash that traces the bitmap to
Many conrners
it will make the sprites come out a lot smoother, with your comedy along with nicer looking sprites you would be in range of higherscores and more than likely the front page. I'll be waiting for an email/im from you. And I'm not a noob at flash, I have quite a few awards, plus i achieved front page within two months of my actual startup. ( mememememmememe) but i'd really like to help you out, this series could be so much better! i'm looking forward to an im from you.
Hmmm....Pixel changing? I dunno....I'm kinda attached to the look I have...But I could check it out.
And Look for an e-mail from me. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.
Brings back old memories....
Your score reminds me of when i first started teaching square hard...9 days later he got a daily feature...good luck on the award dany! Congrats on blue by your third! By my third i was just getting to the green! good job!
haaaa!!! Tootbook!!! Thanks alot again for the backgrounds!! This video wouldnt be what it is without you! But I promise that Ill win an award for my next video!!! Take this in Note! Ill have 3.70 or more....not less!!!
buttons....belly style....over the bridge...on candyland....last week.....ha......jim
You all fail at life!
but you succeed on NG!
I've had my eyes on this series for a while now..
You did a remarkable job on comedy, i didnt really like the 8-bit theatere parts..but well heh who cares? It gave me a good chuckle, glad you finally got an award! congrats on the daily 3rd place..but dont get a huge ego stroke from it! keep improving, and try to tweek the text boxes a little..other than that a reallly good flash.
Thanks! Daily 3rd place...I woke up this morning, brought up the Newgrounds Homepage, and I swear I cried a little bit.
And don't worry, I'll keep on improving!
man no ones gonna let me live this review down..
This was fucking funny, a complete redemption from your previous crap, and the animation was actually ( dare i say? ) good! The jokes were actually funny..but snake was just to damn skinny!
Why does everyone have to blam this kids movie? This kid was an amaerican that just got taken in by the media. I have a niece in the 9th grade and whenever she gets upset she tries to run away from home. When I was in the 9th grade I never used to do that shit. Do you think that you could wake up everyday and watch people walk across your fucking land. Americans are so quick to defend "our land," but this isnt our land...I step outside my house every morning onto native land. People have been giving him a low score just because of what he did. F-That! This movie was actually very nicely animated and was an overall nice flash. I hope that he finds happiness in his afterlife... (assuming there is an afterlife)
With something to think about,
Tootbookian PimpNuggs
Joined on 7/30/03