I physically hate this kind of movie. I love skating games but I hate it when people immitate stick figures and beyond. I am not particually getting at the author of this, just these types of animations in general. Wow, I dont know how anyone could love sticks going around the screen and listening to a crapload song. Ok, so you could be a good skater, but skate then, dont do this type of animation!!!!! I hope I never see anything like this again. How did this get past judgement? It wasnt even good, all it was were a bunch of lines going around the screen. You obviously can skate so put those skills into a skateboard and real life rather than some stick figure with backgrounds that dont look any good!!! Do some proper animations rather than this crap!
p.s. Read your review for FF:The New Empire part six and compare it to this, I think your going to like it. ;).