great job matt, Glad to see a movie of this quality was submitted on my birthday..this makes a good birthday present for me. :p...now i'm reviewing it a few months late...but lets keep it a secret, k?
great job matt, Glad to see a movie of this quality was submitted on my birthday..this makes a good birthday present for me. :p...now i'm reviewing it a few months late...but lets keep it a secret, k?
That was great, I enjoy the fact that you kept magus in character...Something i'm not to good with haha...well on to the next one now. Great job. Argue with my text!
A for effort..
Well..Cant quite say your bad, i've seen thousands worse...but your graphics..need to be cleaned up a bit. Your spelling is terrible, and white mage marrying theif after a few days of knowing him? HUH?! ...listen obviously your trying, but the overall project is .. shitty. :\ i'm sorry to be so mean. I'd like to help if you will accept. If you dont want to accept my help, then please watch my movies so you can study them and learn what I do, as opposed to yours. Dont give up.
lol ill keep that in mind ty
:' (
It would have been swell to have our movies next to eachother on the portal page...oh well good job on the underdog sir
Damn you!
Had I known about this movie ( yeah right ) i would have made one with you guys! :' ( i hate you all and you can all burn in hell
and its not <3 its <4 :p
Ha hahahahah
Well it seems you were able to learn one thing. That nobody likes you. Its such a shame that JIMBOBJOE made those swords for you..haha. Toxic-stickman is JBJ you douchebag. Anyways on to the movie. It was low quality as you can tell already. The song was stupid...lol who listens to papa roach? I think it was just because of that stupid monk vs darknight fight that you even chose that song...lol your such a nerd pollock. I think that we can all learn from this movie that i've finally outdone you. I mean lets face facts...Your sephiroth magically grew a wing ( wich in turn did not move throughout the whole movie ) then he moved up and down, said a few corny phrases and walked off. I'm glad you canceld the series. To bad looks like the new hero series inspired by your jealousy towards vince and square wont work...honestly your sucha bitch. I am glad you betrayed me because everyone took MY side. Hahahaha oh and i'm bisexual so make sure to poke fun at that k? ok now respond with KTHXBAI so i can laugh a little more..
i'm glad too toot
Quite swell...Sir this deserves more than my bonar
Ma....Ma....Manwich? Ma...Ma...Masturbation? Ma...Ma....Mammy? yup mammy
This made my beaver wet...
All of this was hot...but it was a turnoff when there werent enough hitlers :'(
I'll be sure to put more than one Hitler in it next time, i promise. If i make anymore. But besides that, thanks for the review =)
Joined on 7/30/03