Words cant describe how impressed i am
I'm serious...that was simply an amazing cliffhanger...I heard a lot of negative things but this proves you are better than what the things said. Love the random humor, love the badass animation. Keep it up.
Words cant describe how impressed i am
I'm serious...that was simply an amazing cliffhanger...I heard a lot of negative things but this proves you are better than what the things said. Love the random humor, love the badass animation. Keep it up.
Ah the chaos theory
SS will never die...as long as the spirit lives...and they remain attention whores...god bless you for getting front page again :').
fuck the what?
when did you guys even get into near deadage...I should have been a more active membuh....i regret so much I FAILED MY LIFE NOW THX A LOT BITCHEZ
I cant rate this fairly
Blatent rip off of salad fingers...Really badly tweened. And the ending was just weak. You need to improve everything but your drawings. Sorry but this just wasnt very tastefull.
Can you say...slapped together in 30 minutes?
Thats pretty much it....copy and paste frames...generic movie theatre...lame credits...and i guess the hardest part about this would have been animating the numbers....lol.....
wow...that was just.....
Probly one of the coolest concepts of fox people i've ever seen next to my friends...I really respect your patience with flash if you can manage to do this as well as you had it set. Makes me realize why I should have quit sprites a long long time ago..
You still have this down, I love the fact that they are more pixle like now...but what happend to the multiple choices? :( I loved seeing tiny little mishaps happen to crono lol
man that was bad
How come its so easy to get a movie in blue these days? At first I thought the quality of everyones flash was going up...but apparently the IQ of newgrounds is just going down. This wasnt funny/well done at all. I can see it getting a 2.30 But damn...idk...sorry but this sucks.
I'm almost crying...
Mike, your mind is so twisted man, I love it! This was a twisty turny fun little maze that I had fun going through...then laughing my ass off to cotton eye joe. :')
God bless you, and your American loving friends :)
I feel pwnzy
yeah but...
Dinasaurs were around before chickens....therefore....you could have just said that. :p
Joined on 7/30/03