Heheehehe not bad little bro
For your first flash this is highly exceptional..Just need to add sound effects...If it dies i'll force you to put them in lol.
Heheehehe not bad little bro
For your first flash this is highly exceptional..Just need to add sound effects...If it dies i'll force you to put them in lol.
God, these things never get old
Well even though it was short I liked Yoshi's the best
Graphics: For lack of length you made up with it with that mindless detail you add in all your movies. I give you a 10!
Style: Random comedy always great in my book. I give you a 7!
Sound: Flawless sound, I usually never give sound anything less than a 10!
Violence: Well nothing to violent...cept Poo raping ( that chick ) lol. I give you a 3!
Interactivity: well you didnt really make that last button so..ZERO!
Humor: Gotta love that song, hoover vaccums and, rape! I give you a 10!
Overall: I'll give you and 8 overall you lost a lot of points mainly to violence and interactivity, but hey GREAT FLASH :D
I love you all :)
*prepares lighter* NO DONT RUN.
Anyways whats with giving me a score of 7.9? You scored me like a price-check at Target! I think i'll just round that score up to an 8. ^_^
Ha lol!
That was great, pure genuis stuff here. I loved it it was so quick paced...and then the cat comes along....AHHHHHHHH!
yeah, i didn't like the way that the cat throwing thing turned out in IMRPG intro, so i fixed it up a bit.
Practically flawless good job vince!
probably the best thing ever
You made me cry at the part when joey slapped amanda, keep them coming <3
These shin disses are getting really old really fast. And if you do do one, I suggest the animation is at least half as good as Vince trigger.....that was the only shin diss that i found amusing/good...
i didn't work really hard on this, just enough to pass judgement.
For all these time trials i only review the best 1
and the best one was definatly blackdevil's
Graphics: Backgrounds constantly moving in a very quick paced battle with loads of violence. 10
Style: gotta love zero. 10
Sound: hit all the proper sound effects. 10
Violence: Simply amazing violence, yet again i go back to the beloved graphics. 9
Interactivity: buttons links to site and they looked pretty :D. 7
Humor: not to much comedy but the action makes up for that! 3
Overall: Kicked ass 10........no.......................11! ^_^
Thanks Toot! I really aprreciate it! I find mines was good in the violence department but gammas flash was funny.(that funky music in the beginning of his!!)
when do you plan to make this series HC?
It seems pretty cool so far i'd like to see you continue it ( after Wafare of course) good job cant believe its awardless oh well keep it up!
Prolly Never
why do you tarnish the name of the clock crew?
This is why the Clock crew sucks sterotype is out there...you need to make wayyyyyy better stuff than this. But you have gotten quite a few good awards so i know you feel bad about this movie. good luck in the future
fuck you dude how are you gonna tell me what i feel bad about you wouldnt know a quality flash anyway visiting this website
Joined on 7/30/03