dude vince i hate you.....
you made me find out how far i have to go b4 i can b as good as u! >:O lol jk good job i loved the fighting loads better definatly ur best 1 yet cant wayt for part 15!
dude vince i hate you.....
you made me find out how far i have to go b4 i can b as good as u! >:O lol jk good job i loved the fighting loads better definatly ur best 1 yet cant wayt for part 15!
Just keep at it and one day you'll be in award range! Thanks for the feedback :D
i think u did a great job on this its really well done. i like this story its really good i dont think anyone who gives this a bad review has a flash on NG and if they do...they most likely suck. good job cant wait for number 4
this was great it made me laugh my ass off for days honestly i have watched this about 4 times its fukin great....but i am sad that u dont h8 HAcoreRD...guess u dont care y i h8 him now o well im still a fan of urs buy buy
I'm glad it made you laugh! And don't be sad that me and HC made up. I still wanna know why you and him are fighting. Well thank you for the review, glad you enjoyed it :)
Graphics:8 they were really good
sound:10 usually if there is sound u get a 8 or 9 but its crono trigger u get ten
interactivity:ummm(scene missing) and thats why i put 2
style:10 no need to explain its crono trigger an instant ten
humor:0 obivously no ones gonna find this funny
overal:9 i liked this a lot better than the day after i really hope u put this into a series and now that i officialy h8 HAcoreRD i can enjoy your movies a lot easier (if you want the reason why i hate him im me its really funny)
Thanks for the review! Glad you finally hate that HAcoreRD fag!
Please tell me the story of why you hate him. Hmmm let me guess. He talked shit about you behind your back? That's what he did to me :(
Anyway I would really like to hear your story! And welcome to Vinstigator's team :)
as far as tutorials go it was good
but ur voice is annoying to listen to..no offense its not really your fault bad mic+ 13=bad voice ur in the age of puburty so it will stop being annoying...no offesne thats all i have to say i didnt really learn anything from it but....really this sounds like richard simmons talking to me the whole time...helpfull for nooBs a future tutorial idea could be on action scripts i need to know about that sorry i cant spell worth a crap sorry for dissin ya but i will give u a 4/5
thanks :) check out my game tutorial it has some actions
much better with the animation
not blah blah blah the whole way thru u made them doing something this time but there was still A LOT of talking (not that im to lazy its just the story never caught my interest)
Hey thanks. But story is my strong point so that's why I stick with it :)
im leaving a review for a high ranked flash!
ill never get a response!
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee that was sweet the best one yet indeed and sunny the armadillo can go fuck himslef with a steak knife
A steak knife? Lol thats the funniest shit i read all week! :)
i didnt watch it...
but i did vote five
dont vote if you dont watch, what use is that?>
i do complain that knox has been king of the portal 3 times running i also think rubber ducky of death sucked just like imperial bootcamp and on the subject of imperial bootcamp it was not made on flash it was made from webcam imported to flash then u added crappy movements and if u didnt do it that way and it was movement by movement ur dumb for doing so....and when i read the authors comments i knew id blam it
Yeah.. All of you people who don't like animations and what not... Stop being asses about it. I've said in other comments that the name of the site is "NEWGROUNDS" NOT "FLASHGROUNDS" There is no reason why people can't submit animations other than flash cartoons. if you people feel like constantly blamming people for the type of movie, then this really isn't the site for you.
Joined on 7/30/03